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Sigma Tau Delta

Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
21 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 11, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Sigma Tau Delta

Who we are

Sigma Tau Delta is the International Honors Society for the study of English language and literature, established in 1924. It is one of the oldest and largest collegiate honors societies. This year, AY24-25, is the centennial of the organization’s founding. Sigma Tau Delta promotes and supports literature and the literary arts, a love of books, storytelling, poetry, performing arts, and literacy in the broadest sense. Its service projects reflect and employ the skills and knowledge that the discipline cultivates.  

Sigma Tau Delta offers opportunities for students to present their creative and critical work in literary studies at campus symposiums, publish their work in the globally circulated undergraduate journals The Review (scholarship) and The Rectangle (creative writing), volunteer opportunities to work with English-language learners on and off campus, and support to attend conferences and conventions that address literature, literary studies, and creative writing.

The impact of your gift

The continuation of the 2024 Centennial Sigma Tau Delta convention will be right here in Pittsburgh, from 19 to 22 March 2025—at the Wyndham in downtown. Our chapter will not only send a delegation of writers, poets, and scholars, but we will also be actively involved in staffing the convention. Your donations will help us pay the attendees’ registration fees, which are $125.00 per person. Since the convention is right here in downtown Pittsburgh, we have no other expenses.

Please make a gift today

Gifts of all sizes will help us reach our goal. You can also support us by sharing our page on social media to spread the word.

Sigma Tau Delta would like to extend, ahead of time, a warm 'thank you!' to all who will help us realize our plans and goals this academic year. We appreciate your generosity and your recognition.

Stay Connected

Please follow us on Instagram at: sigmataudelta_duq

For questions, please contact us at:

Choose a giving level


One Registration

Your generous gift of $25 will help us pay for registration fees for the 2025 Sigma Tau Delta Convention in Pittsburgh, PA


Two Registrations

A gift of $50 will aid in paying our participants’ registration fees.


Three Registrations

A gift of $100 will help us pay for registration fees for the 2025 Sigma Tau Delta Convention in Pittsburgh, PA

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