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Mic Drop A Cappella - Spring 2023

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
8 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 04, at 12:59 AM EDT
Project Owners

Thank you!

April 14, 2023

Dear Donor(s),

Hello and thank you for your donation to Mic Drop! With your help, we were able to raise over $650 in this donation cycle. We are extremely grateful for your contribution and cannot wait for you to see how we utilize these funds going forward. We are already planning and coordinating at least seven major events next year including: hosting our semesterly concerts, performing with a cappella groups from other major universities, competing in the ICCAs, as well as recording and releasing music. These donation cycles are the primary way we receive our funding; without them, we would not be able to organize or perform the way that we do. All this is to say – Thank you! Your donation has not gone unnoticed and will not be underutilized. Make sure to be on the lookout online for our upcoming events, and we hope to see you all soon <3.

Love and Thanks,

Mic Drop A Cappella President - Marisa Captline (she/her)

Vice President - Austin Meinert (they/he)

Treasurer/Secretary - Abby Pedini (she/her)

Social Media Manager - Rachael Ranone (she/her)

Music Assistant - Maksim Shcherbatyuk (he/him)

Choose a giving level


Sheet Music

A gift of $10 could assist us in purchasing sheet music.


Concert Operations

A gift of $25 could assist us in covering the cost of concert operations.


Hosting Events

A gift of $50 could assist us in hosting events on campus (ex. Concerts, invitationals)


Live Sound

A gift of $100 could assist us in purchasing microphones, receivers, and other equipment required to utilize live sound



A gift of $200 could help cover the costs of a hotel stay for competitions, invitationals, retreats, etc.


Competition Audition Fee

A gift of $300 could pay entirely for our International Competition of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCA's) audition video/fee

Our Crowdfunding Groups