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Mission Trip: Mullens, WV 2022

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
27 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Mission Trip: Mullens, WV 2022

Who are we and where are we going?

We’re a group of 15 Duquesne students traveling down the country roads of West Virginia for a mission trip to the town of Mullens. 

Mullens WV is a coal mining town that was hit by massive flooding in 2001. Since then, the town has fallen into poverty and is still recovering. This is the 22nd time that Duquesne students have worked with the people of Mullens, and the first time that we are returning since the COVID pandemic. So there’s lots of work to do!

What are we doing and when are we going?

From November 17-22 we will engage with the community in Mullens. Driven by the Spiritan pillars of forming authentic relationships, being open to the spirit, and walking with those on the margins, we will be serving in a local food bank, and helping build a community center/park in town. 

All donations will go directly to our cleaning and gardening supplies and extra funding will be used to assist the Mullens Opportunity Center and the Ittman Food Pantry run by the Society of St. Vincent De Paul. 

With the decline of coal, community leaders have expressed a need for alternative economic initiatives, and have begun to explore the agricultural industry.  Four years ago, Duquesne students and supporters helped finance and build a high-tunnel greenhouse at the MOC and have since helped with planting and maintenance. The greenhouse has been extremely successful and has resulted in a fresh produce market for the community throughout the summer months.

Additionally, the community is beginning to look into more initiatives to increase tourism. These initiatives include the start of a railroad museum, rental cabins, and stream beautification. Mullens is on the rise and we are very pleased to be a part of it!

We appreciate anything and everything you have to give! Please donate today and help spread the word on social media! Thank you!

Choose a giving level


Garden Materials

Will partially cover seeds and gardening supplies



Will help defray costs associated with ground transportation


Garden Tools

Will partially cover gardening tools e.g. leaf blowers, heavy duty plastic bags, and heavy duty rakes


Groceries for family of 4

Will help a family of 4 with a week’s worth of grocery at the food pantry

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