Where do we go from here?
The question’s on everyone's mind as we move past the initial shock of the COVID-19 pandemic and strive to adapt to a "new normal."
At Duquesne, we've gone back to the Bluff. Classes resumed on campus in August, with changes to ensure safety and health. But for some students, new protocols and procedures aren't enough.
The effects of this past spring's economic disruptions persist, and will continue for months to come. Some students and their parents remain unemployed or underemployed. The financial aid packages that many depended on are now insufficient to meet their increased need. Some have not returned to campus; others may not be able to remain enrolled beyond the current term.
Our alumni and friends responded admirably to the initial crisis, generously contributing thousands of dollars to an emergency fund that helped hundreds of students overcome the immediate hardships.
Our task now is to ensure that those early investments pay even greater dividends, allowing every student to persevere this fall and beyond. That's the idea behind the 2020 Student Success Fund.
For 142 years, Duquesne has been dedicated to the Spiritan ideal that education should be accessible to all, regardless of ability to pay. The 2020 Student Success Fund underscores this timeless commitment, providing increased financial aid for our students and their families, just when they need it the most.
The extraordinary need requires an unprecedented response. Internal and external benefactors have already stepped up, including a $25,000 commitment from President Ken Gormley and his wife Laura; along with every member of the Cabinet and a large and growing percentage of the Board of Directors.
With your help, we will give our students the faith, courage and resilience to thrive in these challenging times. Every gift today will resonate in countless lives for years to come.
Where do we go from here?
We move forward together as one Duquesne community, just as we always have—and always will.
Please join us with a gift to the 2020 Student Success Fund today. Thank you for your consideration.