Our crowdfunding campaign has ended but you can still support us with a gift! Click here, then the "Search" button, scroll down to "Enter My Own Designation" and write-in Student Occupational Therapy Association.

Student Occupational Therapy Association 2020

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
36 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 25, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Our Campaign Ends Tomorrow!

February 24, 2020

Thank you so much for your donation to our crowdfunding campaign in support of Duquesne University Student Occupational Therapy Association. We are so excited about your generosity and support. We are very much looking forward to our trip to Boston to attend our national conference in a few weeks. 


We are more than 50% of the way to reaching our goal, but the campaign ends tomorrow (2/25) night. If you have time, we would greatly appreciate any efforts to spread the word about our campaign to anyone who might be interested in donating. We would also appreciate if you could take a few minutes to share our page - www.spirit.duq.edu/sota20 - on social media.


Thank you again for your support!


Student Occupational Therapy Association


Kate de Castro and Taylor Martin

SOTA Co-Presidents


Choose a giving level



A gift of $35 could pay for shuttle/Uber to airport



A gift of $100 could pay for a hotel stay for (1) student



A gift of $230 could pay for (1) round trip flight to Boston, MA



A gift of $300 could pay for (1) conference registration


Sponsor A Student

A gift of $650 could pay for (1) student's entire educational experience

Our Crowdfunding Groups