Our crowdfunding campaign has ended but you can still support the Undergraduate Mock Trial Team with a gift! Click here and then under designations, scroll to the “Other” option, click continue, and then enter "Undergraduate Mock Trial Team."

Undergraduate Mock Trial Team

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
53 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 06, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Thank You!

December 09, 2019

It is our great pleasure to say that our crowdfunding campaign was a huge success! We more than doubled our initial goal of just $2,000 to $5,610!!!


Thank you so much to our donors for your support. You have shown us overwhelming generosity, and we can't thank you all enough! We are so extremely grateful to everyone who has worked on and contributed to our crowdfunding campaign! 


This final amount will cover the costs of our Spring Invitational at St. Bonaventure University, our Regional Competition at Dayton University School of Law, and beyond.


Thank you so very much for your generosity and continued support!


Choose a giving level


Case Copies and Materials

A gift of $25 could provide case copies and materials for students



A gift of $50 could cover the cost of demonstratives used in trial


Tournament Registration Fee

A gift of $100 could provide for the team’s registration fee into a tournament



A gift of $250 cover the cost of one student to travel and compete in a tournament


Sponsor A Tournament

A gift of $500 would provide for an entire team to travel and compete in a tournament

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